Unnaturally curly

In the midst of doing Maddy's hair tutorial, and looking gorgeous! 

One day I'll learn to put on some make up before posting pictures of myself on the internet. Not today, it seems. 

 My hair wouldn't curl if you paid, so we shall see. Stay tuned!


  1. You don`t need no makeup to look good :-)

  2. since you have the skin of a baby, you look cute as usual!- have you done this before? because I'm feeling pressure- I want an after!

    (p.s- you should see the farmers market now, its sprung up to streamers and miles of brightly coloured pitched tents, its ahh-mazing)

  3. I can't wait to see the after! I need something simple and quick if I'm going to make it through the extra few inches my hair needs to grow before I cut it and donate it!


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