Project Baby: In which grandchildren are spoiled rotten months before birth. And a promising career in the recording industry?
We recently got back from visiting my family in Norway. We had a great time and it was so good to see my parents after all of the worry and stress they've been going through lately, and still have ahead of them. And of course it wouldn't be my family if there wasn't some crazy drama going on while we were there. But I'll leave all of that for another post.
We hadn't really intended on focusing too much on our ever-growing baby while we were there - after all at four months I was only just into maternity clothes and looking a bit chubby around the middle, and we didn't know (and still don't know) if we are having a boy or a girl, so we thought we'd just pick up a few gender neutral things here and there.
Little did we know.
We had, of course, forgotten to take my mother being a first time grandma into consideration. Within minutes of getting into the house, we were sitting under heaps of wrapping paper with mounds of tiny little garments everywhere. And it didn't stop there. Everywhere we went, we somehow ended up in the baby section and tiny little items somehow made it into our hands, courtesy of my mama. And then her generous friends started gifting us too. Wow.
So, we went from having nothing for our baby when we left, to coming home with this.

Why, yes, that is indeed a hand-knit Norwegian baby sweater in the center. Why, yes, my mother did make it. In the background you can see a down baby duvet from some of my parents friends that we've never even met, and some cute decal things from auntie Annika. Our only two purchases are the adorable jammies in the front. The crazy thought, of course, is that we have only just begun acquiring everything a baby needs. Yikes!
And now a short message from the star of the show him-/herself. Doesn't that just make your heart sing?
We hadn't really intended on focusing too much on our ever-growing baby while we were there - after all at four months I was only just into maternity clothes and looking a bit chubby around the middle, and we didn't know (and still don't know) if we are having a boy or a girl, so we thought we'd just pick up a few gender neutral things here and there.
Little did we know.
We had, of course, forgotten to take my mother being a first time grandma into consideration. Within minutes of getting into the house, we were sitting under heaps of wrapping paper with mounds of tiny little garments everywhere. And it didn't stop there. Everywhere we went, we somehow ended up in the baby section and tiny little items somehow made it into our hands, courtesy of my mama. And then her generous friends started gifting us too. Wow.
So, we went from having nothing for our baby when we left, to coming home with this.

Why, yes, that is indeed a hand-knit Norwegian baby sweater in the center. Why, yes, my mother did make it. In the background you can see a down baby duvet from some of my parents friends that we've never even met, and some cute decal things from auntie Annika. Our only two purchases are the adorable jammies in the front. The crazy thought, of course, is that we have only just begun acquiring everything a baby needs. Yikes!
And now a short message from the star of the show him-/herself. Doesn't that just make your heart sing?
Wow! You totally scored!
ReplyDeleteThat sweater is adorable--your mom is so talented. I think I know where you get your knitting skills from. :)
I'm so excited for you guys!
The only things we bought were the green and red pajamas on either side of the stuffed animal at the bottom. Of course, they were an expensive (but necessary) find at Polarn O. Pyret in Stockholm.
ReplyDeleteOur color choices provoked some surprise from Tamsin's mum, who thought we'd be more pastel (boring?) kind of people. ;)
Super cute! Tamsin-you have such a wonderful mommy! hehe It all looks awesome. As for the color selection... Bold colors are great for a childs development (so they say)especially red and green! So Bravo!
ReplyDeleteI think it all looks so cute! Love the sweater.
ReplyDeleteBah! Authentic Norwegian baby stuff! SO GOOD!
ReplyDeleteAlready, your baby is so stinkin' cute!
Tamsin - I am totally coveting your dusty purple tunic-style dress. I know you got it overseas, but was it at an accessible overseas place???
Nick - good choice on the non-pastels. You'll receive enough of that. GO BOLD! :D
Ja, det er rart med det hvordan besteforeldre har for vane å skjemme bort ungen før den er født:) Kjenner til det der altså...dvs her i huset rakk de vel egentlig ikke å skaffe så mye før vesla plutselig var ute, men kan trygt si at de har tatt igjen det:)
ReplyDeleteEn kjempeflott genser mamma'n din har strikka:) Er jo så koselig med hjemmestrikka plagg. Ingelin har arva mange av mine strikka plagg, og det er jo plagg man sjelden får slitt ut - så derfor er det hyggelige minner å ta vare på også:)
Hei Tamsin :)
ReplyDeleteTenkte bare legge igjen et lite spor her, jeg. Med mindre du ikke har oppdaget den ordentlige bloggen min via Merete sin, så har du en link her. Når jeg tenker etter, så oppgav jeg vel kanskje bare oppussingsbloggen for lenge siden, men amelie-bloggen er i grunnen hovedbloggen der jeg har fabulert, tenkt, drømt og skriblet i noen år.
Skal legge deg til på blogg-lista mi også :)
Klem fra "Amélie" (Opererer mest med det navnet i bloggeland - synes det er greit å være litt halvanonym på den :-)
Pst! Utrolig spennende med den lille i magen. Gled deg! Det er fantastisk! Vi snakkes og skrives i bloggeland eller fjesbok-land. Skylder deg faktisk en mail... :)
Nancy, thanks! We're pretty excited too :) And if only I was as good at knitting as my mum is.
ReplyDeleteNick: don't you think they should have Polarn O. Pyret here too? I vote for a little Scandinavia in Draper, right by IKEA with all our favourite shopping :)
Tess: I have a wonderful sister in law too. Will you make a monster for my baby?
TopHat: I had a feeling you might appreciate the knitting :)
Stepper: My purple tunic-y thing is from H&M, so if you're planning a trip to Vegas some time soon, you might find one there.
And it's good to know that even if our baby comes out plug-ugly, it will still look cute in all of its adorable clothes :)
Merete: jeg er så glad i hjemmelagde ting at jeg selvfølgelig smeltet helt for den lille genseren! og ellers er jeg kanskje sikker på at mormor ikke lar strikkepinnene ligge så mye i månedene som kommer :)
Amelie: Så koselig å høre fra deg! Ante jo ikke at du hadde en annen blogg i tillegg til oppussingsbloggen. Nå skal jeg lese og kose meg :)
How cool is it that your baby will have all of this cool Norwegian clothes to wear. So jealous! :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. What a nice mom!
This is so exciting! I can't even beliee your mom made taht sweater is is beyond beautiful!!!!! And is that miffy?