I've been meaning to week

Well, this is shocking late considering I said I'd post on Monday, but you'll love me anyway, won't you?

This week's project is all about getting stuff done. This week is all about being fast and thorough and sharp as a tack. This week I'll be touring the facility and picking up slack. (Cake, anyone?)

We've all got to-do lists and things to take care of. But, if you're anything like me, there are things on that list that don't get done because the daily grind keeps getting in the way. It seems like I'm constantly washing dishes, doing laundry, making dinner and doing all the stuff that needs to be done every day, while that list of to-do's just keeps on getting longer and my conscience keeps getting darker. But not this week.

This week I am picking one item off the list every day, and just doing it. Bam!

Take that, list.


  1. I do that too!- this year, I got a beautiful notebook that I call my book of lists, I set my goals for the year, and shopping lists, work lists, cleaning lists...anything and it's so useful!
    I highly recommend it!
    The prettier the notebook the easier to write a list :)

  2. Agreed, Maddy! Pretty notebooks make the list somehow more official and special. :)

    Good job, Tamsin!

  3. I am terrible with thank you cards. Your post reminds me that I have to fill out some...now. Blessings, Joanne


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