There's just something about summer

Summer makes me not want to blog, and judging by my Google reader, I'm not the only one. Lots of people are on trips, filling their days with lounging in the sun (or the shade, depending on location), day trips or projects at home. While blogging may be down, my Instagram feed is filled with pictures of other people's summery goodness.

We took our vacation early this year (good gravy, I still haven't written any posts about that! Is anyone still interested in "What I Did On My Summer Vacation by Tamsin?"), and Utah tends to be a bit too hot for my pregnant self to go on too many outdoor adventures, so we've just been puttering about at home.

A little gardening

Some Legos

Some vegetable knitting

More gardening

Culinary adventures
Potty training.
(Holy Hannah, are we really here already?!?)

A few updates around the home.

Spending time with friends.

The tile saga.

Playing outside.

So we're still here, doing our little North family thing. I have been writing a million blog posts in my head, and before too very long one of them is sure to make it into writing. Until then, I hope you're enjoying your summer wherever you may be. I'd love to hear what you've been up to! 


  1. Ingen glede av sommeren her er jo bare regn regn og atter regn men vi prøver å kose oss lell..
    Håper solen titter frem til selskapet på lørdag.. se fine hybelhuset :)



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