Some housekeeping

The really big event at our house this week is Nick's birthday tomorrow. Espen and I will be spending the day in preparation for tomorrow's festivities, and then Nick is taking the day off work tomorrow to bask in the splendor of our birthday-related adoration. Oh, and I'll be spending the day as far away from the computer as possible, so no blog tomorrow.
By now you have probably asked yourself at least once what the deal is with the young H20-enjoying gentleman in today's picture. Well, that brings us to both Friday and my Project Service Project for October. This month I will be participating in Blog Action Day 2010 in order to raise awareness about the need for clean, drinkable water around the world. I won't get on my soap box about that just yet, except to say "if you can go into your kitchen and pour yourself a glass of clean water without fear of disease or assault, then you are not among the 1 billion people this campaign aims to reach." More about that on Friday, but if you're feeling like a little bit of an aquatic activist today, there is still time to join me and thousands of others in blogging about this. Or you could sign the petition of support up their in the top right corner of my blog.
Also, please check back later today for a new giveaway!
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