Toddler activities: Week 4

I am in such a blogging slump right now! It's like I want to write, but then I don't have time. Or I can't be bothered. But I still want to do it. Ack!

Last week was a good week, with just the right amount of stuff going on for Espen. We somehow seemed to strike a pretty good balance of going out, having friends over and just hanging out at home. More of that, please!

Espen on the zoo train. This is basically the expression he wore all day. :)

A field trip: We were feeling brave and went to the zoo with S and her mom. It's a 45 minute drive, and I knew we would be cutting into nap time, but I also knew that Espen would absolutely love it, so off we went. Yes, things did get a bit hairy in parts when we left much later than planned for (toddlers will do that to you!) and didn't end up getting home until three hours past Espen's nap, but all in all, it was such a fun day out. The kids loved just about everything about it (with the possible exception of not being allowed inside the tiger enclosure), and the moms had a good time too. I can't recommend teaming up with another parent highly enough. I would never, ever take on a day out like this with Espen on my own, but when you go with another family the kids can play together, and you have someone else to help wrangle, feed and entertain as you go. Days out like this are making me a braver and more relaxed mom. Except maybe when there are wild turkeys trying to eat my son('s lunch).

A play date: Nice and low-key this week! We just wandered over to Espen's friend L's house. The boys played pretty well side-by-side while L's mom and I chatted. There was some refereeing to be done over sharing toys and respecting personal space, but once again I got to see that these kids are well on their way to growing up be civilized human beings.

An ambitious activity: This one wasn't even prompted by me, but this week Espen baked cookies. He has been showing lots of interest in cooking lately, and so we have been letting him get involved a little bit, by stirring things together and tasting ingredients and whatnot. I'd thought about baking cookies with Espen, but ultimately put it off because it sounded difficult and messy. Sigh. Did you know I struggle with messy? Enter my good friend Annika, who just has "fun pseudo-aunt" written all over her. We did a little baking when she came over last week, and Espen was so interested that Annika let him make cookies with the leftover dough. Difficult? Yes. It is hard to direct those little hands that are so sure they know best, and some small frustration on both parts is basically inevitable. Messy? Absolutely! See that shirt? But really, cookies can be lumpy. T-shirts and small boys can be washed. It's a small price to pay for giving my little boy a brand new experience that he loved so much. We will be buying an apron and trying again.

Annika and Espen baking cookies.


  1. Daweeeee he looks sooo happy and unsure about the cookies! Cute! And the zoo? That is a tough one!!! Glad you ha
    d a fellow mom/play mate. I bet he soaked in every minute!


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