30 days of 29, day 9: Write a letter to someone special

As suggested by Leslie, I wrote a letter to someone who has made an impact on my life. I chose my 7th grade Norwegian teacher.

I remember her as being a blend of intelligent, caring, cynical, supportive and sarcastic. Even though we were a bunch of know-it-all teenagers, she always listened to her students, and treated us and our opinions with respect.

I wanted to be a writer when I was a teenager, and this teacher (whose name I'm leaving out of this, seeing as she didn't ask to be blogged about) was unflinchingly supportive and encouraging in my efforts. It meant a lot to have an adult who took me seriously, and was always on my side.

I haven't seen my teacher for about 14 years, but I think I will always remember her as someone I looked up to as a teenager and who mattered to me, because I felt like I mattered to her.

So that's what I wrote and told her.

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